Passive Investing: The Evidence

We have a new article and video to share with you. Both of these pieces do a nice job of reiterating points that some may be familiar with (or recently introduced to) regarding our investment strategy, in addition to discussing the research/information we use to validate our approach on an ongoing basis. The article, in particular, assists in articulating the distinction between passive indexing and asset class investing. While we believe both are superior to the active approach, we do subscribe to the additional value added by the flexibility, patient trading, lower costs and true diversification asset class investing provides. There is always so much more we could discuss.
In full disclosure, the video was produced by a passive management firm that uses DFA (Dimensional Fund Advisors) funds; however, we believe the biases are at a relative minimum, and the facts speak for themselves. You be the judge. Enjoy! It is 54 minutes, broken up in 8 chapters.
Video Link: Passive Investing: The Evidence
Article Link: Forbes Article: “Getting Over Investing With A Better Way”